Wednesday 18 September 2024

CROWD LEVERAGE - Twenty Curated Business Ideas by Jack Lookman - Jack’s Curated Business Idea - empowering and inspiring generations


Jack’s Curated Business Ideas

Buy Twenty Curated Business Ideas - Volume 1 - Jack Lookman -

Have you noticed that some people have very good ideas

But these get buried in the grave

This could be for a variety of reasons…

Lack of finance

Lack of the right team

Lack of mentoring

Lack of drive or motivation


Their primary asset may be just the idea.


In the digital world we are

This has opened opportunities that could be explored

You could easily get:

The research outsourced

You could get franchisors

You could get marketers

You could get mentors

You could get investors;  



You may perfect your idea

And carry out due diligence

You could collaborate

With necessary others

You could have an agreement

And a Profit Sharing Formula 

You could leverage each other

To attain a common goal

You could leverage your network

Your colleagues and classmates

Those you've known

Recently and historically

You could leverage similar minds

Known individually or through the internet

You could articulate your thoughts and plans

And keep updating them


Networking may also be good

As your network is your net-worth

Have a legally binding document

To protect all interests

Carry out due diligence 

As all that glitter is not gold

Do relevant research on the market

And also of competitors

Explore the various opportunities 

That the project may bring

Brainstorm as necessary

Individually and collectively

Articulate the business plan

And other relevant plans

Dot every i and cross every t 

Start small 

And grow very big

Market yourself and your idea

Leverage Social media, etc.

Articulate the relevant work streams,

And get ready when opportunity knocks

These are some thoughts

To profit the ideas

A Collection Of Curated Business Ideas By Jack Lookman

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Buy Twenty Curated Business Ideas - Volume 1 - Jack Lookman -

Facebook group: Curated Business Ideas

Youtube channel: Curated Business Ideas

TikTok: Curated Business Ideas -

Pinterest - Curated Business Ideas

Jack Lookman’s Community 

Jack’s Empowerment 

Courses by Jack Lookman Limited: 

Becoming Organised


Jack’s Mentoring 101 (18+)

Jack’s Curated Business Ideas 

Book A Chat With Jack Lookman (18+)

Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman - 18+ only

Jack Lookman Limited 

Jack Lookman Limited Websites

Jack Lookman On Social media 

Jack Lookman’s Paperbacks

Paperbacks by Jack Lookman Limited 

Jack Lookman’s Websites:

Jack’s Empowerment  

Jack Lookman Limited  

Jack’s Life Lessons For Teenagers 

Empowerment and Inspiration  

Jaaloo Puzzles 

Baby Jaaloo

Curated Business Ideas 

We do Affiliate Marketing and make commissions for every sale, at no additional cost to you.

At Jack Lookman Limited: Our mission is to Empower and Inspire Generations by leveraging the Internet.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Content Creation - Twenty Curated Business Ideas by Jack Lookman - Jack’s Curated Business Idea - Jack Lookman - Empowerment and Inspiration

 Content Creation

Jack’s Curated Business Ideas

Buy Twenty Curated Business Ideas - Volume 1 - Jack Lookman -

The words content creation could be intimidating for some.

Some feel it's very intellectual;  

Needing to have loads of knowledge and authority.

They could partly be true;

But you could start the journey

And then build on it as you go along.

You need to choose a niche

And create content around it.

You could do it individually, 

You could collaborate or have a team

It’s suggested to leverage a niche of interest.

And one whose usage could pay the bills

Look for a subject area that interests you;

Research it and carry out due diligence.

Ensure that you could profit from it

Otherwise the efforts be unsustainable

Research your competitors;

The market place; etc.

Your content could be in one or more formats.

It could be text, audio or video.

The text could be on platforms such as ebooks, paperbacks, blogs, etc.

While the audio or video could be on different platforms 

Social media, blogs, youtube, facebook, podcast, etc.

You could upload the same content to multiple platforms.

And by the way, some of these platforms are free to use;

But you'd need to do marketing, etc to attract the crowd.

The content needs to be of great value, engaging and very well presented.

We shall share some case studies of content ideas in later editions.

It’s hoped that this shall stimulate your thought process; 

As well as inspire you to greater actions

As you share great value with your audience; 

The audience is likely to grow.

As the audience grows; 

The chances of monetisation are higher.

If you require mentoring on this, please feel free to contact me. 

You could also  educate yourself via content on the internet; or via books.

You could do content creation as a side or main hustle.

Apart from monetary gains; 

More importantly is the impact that you’d create

Not only for your immediate audience

But for generations untold.

In some cases, to optimise your value proposition

You may need to invest money and resources

If this is a challenge, you could:

- Collaborate

- Seek Investors

Or Crowdfund

Feel free to contact me for more in-depth thoughts.

Feel free to book mentoring at Jack The Mentor via 

Some basic requirements to start, are:

- Content (what you wish to share with your audience)

- A platform or platforms (Social media, blog, etc)

- A digital device or devices (tablet, laptop or desktop) 

- A podcast channel (as necessary) (for audio content)

- An Amazon account (for ebooks and paperbacks)

- Determination

- A Team (as necessary)

- A mentor (as necessary)

- Research skills

  • Internet access
  • A Youtube channel (as necessary)
  • A Facebook account (as necessary)
  • Google Adsense Account (for monetising some platforms) (as necessary)
  • A Marketing strategy (to effectively reach your desired audience)

Some tools that you could employ, are:

  • search engine optimisation tools
  • keyword research tools
  • content idea generating tools
  • etc

I hope that you found value.

Please share your thoughts; and share this content with those whom it may benefit.

A Collection Of Curated Business Ideas By Jack Lookman 

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Buy Twenty Curated Business Ideas - Volume 1 - Jack Lookman -

Facebook group: Curated Business Ideas

Youtube channel: Curated Business Ideas

TikTok: Curated Business Ideas -

Pinterest - Curated Business Ideas

Jack Lookman’s Community 

Jack’s Empowerment 

Courses by Jack Lookman Limited: 

Becoming Organised


Jack’s Mentoring 101 (18+)

Jack’s Curated Business Ideas 

Book A Chat With Jack Lookman (18+)

Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman - 18+ only

Jack Lookman Limited 

Jack Lookman Limited Websites

Jack Lookman On Social media 

Jack Lookman’s Paperbacks

Paperbacks by Jack Lookman Limited 

Jack Lookman’s Websites:

Jack’s Empowerment  

Jack Lookman Limited  

Jack’s Life Lessons For Teenagers 

Empowerment and Inspiration  

Jaaloo Puzzles 

Baby Jaaloo

Curated Business Ideas 

We do Affiliate Marketing and make commissions for every sale, at no additional cost to you.

At Jack Lookman Limited: Our mission is to Empower and Inspire Generations by leveraging the Internet.

CROWD LEVERAGE - Twenty Curated Business Ideas by Jack Lookman - Jack’s Curated Business Idea - empowering and inspiring generations

  CROWD LEVERAGE Buy Twenty Curated Business Ideas - Volume 1 - Jack Lookman - Have you noticed that some people...